AfricaPress-Tanzania: MEMBERS of the House of Representatives on Friday approved the 2020/2021 budget for the President’s Office and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, with praises to President Ali Mohamed Shein dominating the debate.

House members from both the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and opposition showered praises on Dr Shein, appreciating his exemplary performance in implementing the 2015-2020 election manifesto.

They commended the improvement of social services for wananchi, especially education and health, arguing that the ruling party had cleared its way towards the coming general elections later this year.

Debating the budget estimates, Minister without Portfolio Juma Ali Khatib said the outstanding performance by Dr Shein was a huge capital for CCM in the coming elections, saying the opposition seemed to have lost direction.

He said all the key sectors had been addressed in the execution of the election manifesto, citing power supply to eight islands in Pemba and huge transformation of the lives of wananchi.

‘’We, members of the opposition in this house and other eight opposition parties, support President Shein for his great efforts to reform the country’s economy and wish him well in his retirement,” said the minister who doubles as African Democratic Alliance Party (ADA-TADEA) Vice-President.

Almost all members who debated the budget speech paid tributes to Dr Shein, citing many development projects, introduction of pensions for elderly persons and improved social services for wananchi as testimony of his visionary and selfless leadership.

Paje Representative Jaku Hashim Ayoub wished President Shein an enjoyable retirement, saying he had established firm foundations for non-discriminatory administration of Unguja and Pemba Islands.

Tabling his office’s budget estimates on Thursday, Minister of State, President’s Office and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Issa Haji Ussi, said the government had officially recognised members of the diaspora whose contributions to the country he described as substantial.

He said members of the diaspora, despite their stay outside the country for long periods, had demonstrated high levels of patriotism and cooperation to the country, giving a lot of support to the Isles development.

The minister said with the diaspora legislation already in place, the remaining task is for the government to make good use of Zanzibaris abroad, some with highly required skills like health and information technology.


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