MTN Ghana push for digital inclusiveness for Africans

MTN Ghana push for digital inclusiveness for Africans
MTN Ghana push for digital inclusiveness for Africans

Africa-Press – Uganda. Dario Bianchi, the Chief Digital Officer of MTN Ghana, has emphasized the necessity of cultivating a fair and inclusive digital future in Africa, highlighting the importance of ensuring equal access and opportunities for everyone.

During the Mobile Technology for Development session at the 3i Africa Summit in Accra, Bianchi discussed MTN’s commitment to innovation and inclusivity, emphasizing the company’s goal of extending the benefits of modern connectivity to all individuals.

“We believe everyone should have access to the advantages of a contemporary, connected life,” Bianchi stated. “MTN is continually exploring new and innovative ways to reach people across various sectors, providing them with access to digital products and services.”

Recognizing the importance of collaboration between different industries, Bianchi emphasized the need for partnerships between fintech firms, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies to develop and implement effective digital solutions.

“While there is still progress to be made, collaborative efforts among fintech companies, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies are essential in designing solutions to enhance accessibility to digital services,” he noted.

Bianchi stressed the importance of collective action in addressing the obstacles hindering digital inclusion, ensuring that technological advancements benefit all individuals.

His remarks underscored MTN Ghana’s dedication to fostering an inclusive digital environment, revealing ongoing initiatives and future strategies aimed at establishing a more equitable digital landscape for all Africans.

As discussions continue about creating a fair digital future, MTN Ghana remains at the forefront of promoting equality and innovation in the digital sphere.

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