CCC Official Says Police Officers Claim They Are Being Forced To Vote For ZANU PF

CCC Official Says Police Officers Claim They Are Being Forced To Vote For ZANU PF
CCC Official Says Police Officers Claim They Are Being Forced To Vote For ZANU PF

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere has claimed that the opposition party has received reports that police officers are being forced to vote under the watch of their superiors.

In Zimbabwe, police officers who will be on duty during the voting day are allowed to vote prior to the elections through postal voting.

Posting on Twitter, Mahere said some police officers are alleging that they are being forced to vote for ZANU PF. She said:

POLICE OFFICERS report that they’re being forced to vote under the watch of their bosses as we speak.

There are no agents or observers allowed to monitor the process. They report that they’re being forced to vote for ZANU PF.

In an unrelated development, prominent lawyer, Thabani Mpofu allegorically stated there is a scheme to manipulate the voting process. He wrote:

I hear a certain Electoral Commission is telling presiding officers that they must not post results on the notice boards at polling stations.

By the laws governing that Electoral Commission the instruction is unlawful & CITIZENS of that country must resist the illegality.

In Zimbabwe, this will never happen. I hear the opposition is going to surprise the regime. Wait and watch.

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