Ngezi Platinum Stars Part Ways With Head Coach Benjani Mwaruwari [Full Text]

Ngezi Platinum Stars Part Ways With Head Coach Benjani Mwaruwari [Full Text]
Ngezi Platinum Stars Part Ways With Head Coach Benjani Mwaruwari [Full Text]

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Castle Lager Premier Soccer League club, Ngezi Platinum Stars have parted ways with their head coach, Benjani Mwaruwari following a spate of poor results. In a statement seen by Pindula News, the Mhondoro Ngezi-based club said the Board has appointed Assistant Coach Takesure Chiragwi as the interim head coach assisted by Kifton Kadurira. Reads the statement released on 25 July 2022:

Ngezi Platinum Stars Football Club would like to inform all its stakeholders that the Club has parted ways with Head Coach Benjani Mwaruwari by mutual agreement. This was Benjani’s first coaching assignment and both the club and the coach agreed that it did not deliver the expected results hence the decision to separate was in the best interest of the club.

NPS FC wishes Benjani all the best in his future endeavours.

Meanwhile, the Board has appointed Assistant Coach Takesure Chiragwi as the interim head coach assisted by Kifton Kadurira.

The former Manchester City striker was fired after presiding over 13 games of which won just three, drew six and lost four.

He was with Madamburo for just three months after being appointed head coach in March replacing Rodwell Dhlakama.

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