President Mnangagwa mourns Iran’s leader Raisi

President Mnangagwa mourns Iran's leader Raisi
President Mnangagwa mourns Iran's leader Raisi

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has expressed grief and conveyed his condolences to the Islamic Republic of Iran following the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

The late Iranian President died alongside his Foreign Affairs Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other officials when his helicopter crashed close to the border with Azerbaijan.

He had earlier met the neighbouring country’s President Ilham Aliyev.

In a statement, President Mnangagwa said the death of President Raisi was a heavy blow to both Iran and Zimbabwe as the two countries enjoyed cordial bilateral relations.

“The passing on of President Raisi is a heavy blow to the people and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the people and government of the Republic of Zimbabwe,” said President Mnangagwa.

“This tragedy has befallen the Islamic Republic of Iran at a time when the two countries were working towards enhancing a mutually shared goal of promoting socio-economic development through broadened and deepened co-operation in the face of sanctions against both nations.”

Describing the late President Raisi as a visionary leader, President Mnangagwa said his tragic death was untimely as he was yet to enjoy the fruits of his hard work.

“It is our sincere hope that the leadership in the Islamic Republic of Iran will carry his illustrious legacy to fruition for the mutual benefit of both our countries and peoples,” said President Mnangagwa.

Zimbabwe still cherishes the fond memories of President Raisi’s visit last year, which was highly successful as it cemented the excellent relations between the two countries.

The late President Ebrahim Raisi

“On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe, and, indeed, on my own behalf, I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences on the passing on of President Raisi, the Foreign Minister and the other victims of the helicopter crash,” said President Mnangagwa.

“I have very fond memories of my personal interaction with President Raisi when he paid a State visit to Zimbabwe in July 2023.”

In recent years, Zimbabwe and Iran have grown their bilateral relations and co-operation, particularly in trade, commerce, agriculture and mining. During his State visit to Zimbabwe, Dr Raisi held bilateral discussions with President Mnangagwa and several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were signed as the two nations deepened their relations.

Zimbabwe and Iran established diplomatic relations in February 1983 and since then, the bilateral ties have grown tremendously, underpinned by shared aspirations and mutual support.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the Government and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the families of the deceased and their loved ones, during this difficult period of grieving,” said President Mnangagwa.

“The government of the Republic of Zimbabwe stands in strong solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran and we offer our support and sympathy at this very difficult time.

“I, once again, express my deepest condolences to the government and the families of the deceased on this tragic loss. May the Almighty God rest the souls of the departed President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the other senior Government officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in eternal peace.”

Funeral rites for the late Iranian leader began on Tuesday in the City of Tabriz, in East Azerbaijan province, where a lorry carrying his remains and his entourage was paraded through packed streets as government officials gave speeches to the crowd. The late President Raisi is expected to be buried in his Mashhad birthplace tomorrow.

His deputy, Mohammad Mokhber, is the acting President while the election to choose a new President will be held on June 28.

Under the Second Republic, Zimbabwe has dispatched several high-level delegations to Iran as part of efforts to strengthen the relations gains, while leveraging on the existing, solid political foundation.

Similarly, Iran has also sent several high-level missions to Zimbabwe in the spirit of growing relations further.

Last month, Vice President Dr Constantino Chiwenga visited Iran for the Iran-Africa International Economic Conference during which he also met the late Dr Raisi. The conference sought to boost economic cooperation between African countries and Iran.

The late President Raisi’s meeting with VP Chiwenga was in the spirit of up stepping a mutually beneficial corporation.

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