FNLA trains staff on local authorities

FNLA trains staff on local authorities
FNLA trains staff on local authorities

Africa-Press – Angola. Around fifty municipal and provincial FNLA officials will participate this Friday, in Luanda, in training on local authorities, as part of a promotion by the party’s national secretary for education, science and technology.

When speaking at the opening, the organization’s general secretary, Aguiar Laurindo, said that they will continue to train staff to improve political and technical knowledge and respond to challenges, with emphasis on the local and general municipal elections in 2027.

The politician added that the task will extend to all levels of the party’s structural organization and must be constant for all base, intermediate and top activists so that they are equipped with knowledge capable of carrying out their functions efficiently.

He considered that the political function is synonymous with public administration, hence the emphasis on local authorities in Angola, which consists of striving to bring public service closer to citizens, enabling greater interaction between government structures and communities.

To this end, he highlighted, the organization has scheduled intensive training for this year for 58 trainers in matters of local authorities who will train 1,640 activists across the country.

For two days, the staff will address topics such as “Local authorities in Angola”, “Moral values ​​and ethics in politics”, “Organization and functioning of the FNLA”, among others.

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