Foreign greed hinders the well-being of Africans

Foreign greed hinders the well-being of Africans
Foreign greed hinders the well-being of Africans

Africa-Press – Angola. The academic at the Instituto Superior Politécnico da Lunda-Sul, Zacarias Sacawanga, considered this Friday, in Saurimo, that foreign greed and ambition have hindered the rapid development and achievement of the well-being of Africans.

The university professor made this statement during a lecture with the theme “Africa, its tools for sustainable development”, in reference to Africa Day, which takes place on Saturday (25).

For Africa to achieve development, he explained, Africans need to act with maturity and skill in aligning targeted policies to strengthen peace, dignity and social justice.

He underlined that the African continent cannot allow it to be a body where everyone comes to take their piece, but rather, the vitality of the people and humility must walk firmly in cooperation and exchange with other countries, to achieve the expected development.

“Africa has potential and natural resources, equipped with properties to rival other countries in the world”, he stated.

The event, promoted by the Provincial Office of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports, was witnessed by its manager Nelson Muiuca, members of the local government, students, religious authorities and the general population.

Africa Day is celebrated on May 25th, the date was established by the then Organization of African Unity in 1963.

The date refers to the day that 32 African heads of state met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 25, 1963, with the aim of defending and emancipating the African continent, freeing it from colonialism and apartheid.

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