Governor highlights the importance of investing in the training of young people

Governor highlights the importance of investing in the training of young people
Governor highlights the importance of investing in the training of young people

Africa-Press – Angola. The governor of the province of Lunda-Sul, Daniel Neto, highlighted this Sunday (14), in Saurimo, the importance of investing in youth for building a modern and prosperous nation.

According to the official, who was speaking at the commemorative event of Angolan Youth Day that is being celebrated , “there is a need to invest in young people, in order to awaken in them the creative and entrepreneurial spirit that exists in their imagination, so that they are increasingly capable of leading processes linked to the country’s political and economic development”.

He highlighted that the country needs healthy, well-prepared young people with high levels of knowledge, capable of helping with their work and initiatives, for its growth and transformation, which everyone aspires to experience.

He also recognized that there are high unemployment rates among young people, difficulties in entering the job market, access to education, decent housing, as well as the high prevalence rate of sexually transmitted diseases, which is why the Government remains committed to combating these phenomena , with the promotion of self-employment, social housing.

Likewise, the expansion of the school and hospital network, promotion of secondary, higher and professional technical training, whose main beneficiaries are young people.

Daniel Neto assured that youth are at the center of the Government’s attention, which is why it is the State’s obligation to implement programs aimed at their empowerment, with a view to improving growth and development rates.

He said that the Government has given special attention to young entrepreneurs in the district, with training activities for their labor, economic and financial self-sufficiency, among others.

During the event, celebrated under the motto “Youth empowered, Angola developed”, minister Rui Falcão delivered computer kits to five young people from different youth associations and 18 certificates of merit to young people who participated in business management and entrepreneurship courses , solid and urban waste treatment, education and financial inclusion, defense and public security, among others.

The event was attended by senior officials from MINJUD, from the government of Lunda-Sul, deputies to the National Assembly, representatives from the Public Ministry and the Judiciary, president of the National Youth Council (CNJ), youth leaders from political parties and civil society.

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