Governor Wants Dynamism in the Implementation of the New Administrative Division

Governor Wants Dynamism in the Implementation of the New Administrative Division
Governor Wants Dynamism in the Implementation of the New Administrative Division

Africa-Press – Angola. The governor of Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa, recently directed greater dynamism in Ondjiva to the technical group that will deal with matters related to the implementation of the new political administrative division of the province.

Speaking at the meeting to establish the technical group, she said that the province had benefited from eight new municipalities, increasing from six to 14, with implementation scheduled for January 2025. In this regard, she said that with the approval of Law 14/24 on the new political administrative division and Presidential Order No. 262/2024 of 31 October, she orders the creation of technical groups responsible for carrying out tasks for its implementation.Gerdina Didalelwa stressed that, in order to make this happen, the government has created three subgroups to work on creating conditions to accommodate municipal services with dedication and urgency, so that they can be implemented by the scheduled date.

During the meeting, the members of the aforementioned technical group were presented with a deadline for preparing the tasks and action schedules.

For the province of Cunene, the new legal regime created eight new municipalities, namely Cafima, Nehone, Chiedi, Mupa, Chissuata, Naulila, Chitado and Mucope.

The objective of the political-administrative division is to promote the balanced development of the national territory, combat asymmetries and bring public services closer to citizens, taking into account the demands of demographic growth and infrastructure.

In addition to ensuring full occupation of the territory and streamlining state administration services, increasing their effectiveness, efficiency and equity.

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