Luanda hosts 1st Meeting of the OEACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

Luanda hosts 1st Meeting of the OEACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
Luanda hosts 1st Meeting of the OEACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

Africa-Press – Angola. The Angolan capital, Luanda, hosts this Wednesday the Solemn Opening Session of the 1st Ordinary Plenary Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OEACP) and the European Union (EU), within the scope of the new Agreement from Samoa.

The Solemn Session will be presided over by the Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, representing President João Lourenço.

According to the meeting’s spokesperson, deputy Virgílio Tchiova, the Vice-President’s opening speech will be preceded by that of the president of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira, and the co-presidents of the OEACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assemblies, namely Ana Rita Sithole and Carlos Zorrinho.

This is the first Ordinary Plenary Meeting of the OEACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly since the new Samoa Agreement was signed.

Samoa Agreement is a new general framework for relations between the EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, covering six priority areas, namely democracy and human rights, sustainable economic development and growth, climate change, human and social development, peace security and migration and mobility.

After the Opening Session there will be two debates, with the intervention of the EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, and Fabricio Cardone, professor of political science at the University of Glasgow, in the United Kingdom.

The topics of the debate are related to the new momentum of the partnership between the OEACP and the European Union.

This Tuesday, meetings of the Bureau of the Joint Parliamentary Assemblies of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific and the European Union took place.

The Bureaus are executive bodies of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly that, between two Assemblies, take decisions and carry out tasks recommended by the last Plenary.

These (executive secretariats) prepared the first Ordinary Plenary meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States with the European Union.

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