OMA considers zungueira a pillar of Angolan families

OMA considers zungueira a pillar of Angolan families
OMA considers zungueira a pillar of Angolan families

Africa-Press – Angola. The secretariat of the Organization of Angolan Women (OMA) in Luanda considers the zungueira woman as the pillar of sustenance for Angolan families, given the degree of resilience and resilience that this fringe of society has demonstrated over time.

The position was expressed by the provincial secretary of OMA, Luzia Policarpo, in an interview, as part of the celebrations of the National Day of Angolan Women, marked today, March 2nd, which takes place under the motto “Angolan Woman participation, inclusion and development”.

The provincial event takes place in the Kilunda neighborhood, Funda commune, Cacuaco municipality.

The person responsible said that the time has come to educate the zungueira woman, being placed in the right place, from raising awareness of sales locations, types of products for sale, as well as access to financial education to help with the accessibility of some banking benefits..

Luzia Policarpo also said that many of these women became the breadwinners of their families due to their partner’s abandonment, and many of them, through the practice of street vending (zunga), managed to raise their children and even raise their grandchildren.

In this context, the OMA secretary in the province highlighted that one of the greatest challenges facing Angolan women is the promotion of self-employment and training, so that they can participate directly in the development of the nation, without leaving aside the issue of empowerment of the gender.

“Development involves the training and empowerment of women, which helps in creating self-employment”, he said.

The official also said that women have contributed significantly to the country’s growth, mentioning actions to diversify the economy, specifically in the agricultural sector, with the massification of family and mechanized agriculture.

Luzia Policarpo said that women have been the most harmed, as they are the managers of homes, a fact that forces them to help institutions adopt a new concept of country and leave the “gassy” aside.

When it comes to gender balance in various sectors of society, the number one at OMA in Luanda stressed that in addition to defending the 50 percent, the essential thing is training and capacity building in skills.

Regarding illiteracy, Luzia Policarpo said that the organization she heads at provincial level is a pioneer in this regard, having developed actions to minimize the situation, with the existence of centers in all municipalities and communes.

In addition, he said, it is associated with early pregnancy, which affects a considerable number of adolescents, leading them to abandon educational institutions.

Therefore, your organization, in partnership with institutions that deal with reproductive education, has developed awareness-raising activities among young women and adolescents to direct them on the right path.

OMA prepares provincial act in Funda

To celebrate the date that marks Angolan Women’s Day in the country’s capital, the OMA provincial secretariat prepared a range of activities in the Kilunda neighborhood, commune of Funda, municipality of Cacuaco.

According to the provincial secretary, the day will begin with a meeting, in the commune of Funda, municipality of Cacuaco, with the former directors of the organization, followed by a visit to the mother and child center to celebrate the babies of the day.

At the event location, soup will be donated to local children, trees of various types will be planted, as well as a multidisciplinary fair will be held, which will feature rural and artisanal products.

“Angolan Women’s Day” was adopted in recognition of the role that this fringe of society played in the resistance struggle of the Angolan people against colonial occupation. It also aims to pay homage to the women who fought for independence, with emphasis on Deolinda Rodrigues, Irene Cohen, Engrácia dos Santos, Lucrécia Paim, among others.

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