Osvaldo Mboco’S Book Sparks Interest Among Diplomats

Osvaldo Mboco'S Book Sparks Interest Among Diplomats
Osvaldo Mboco'S Book Sparks Interest Among Diplomats

Africa-Press – Angola. The book “Angola’s Foreign Policy, Main Challenges and Perspectives”, written by International Relations specialist Osvaldo Mboco, was launched on Wednesday in Luanda, having aroused the interest of diplomats.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, who signed the preface, considered the work to be a great contribution to national and international diplomacy. Téte António said he was certain that the book brought important issues that mark national and, above all, international diplomatic life today.

“It is a vast work, but it has somehow managed to capture the spirit of synthesis that is very prevalent in our own foreign policy, not only on the African continent. Therefore, for us, it is a book of great relevance”, the minister rejoiced, before an audience made up of diplomats, MPs, academics and members of civil society.

The diplomat also stressed that the author developed in the book the importance that the Government attributes to regional and continental policy, which, according to Téte António, has brought benefits.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed, on the other hand, that the book will encourage young academics to read more, emphasizing that “the more they read, the greater their knowledge about Angola’s foreign policy”.

Rejoicing author

For the author of the work, Osvaldo Mboco, the book represents yet another achievement of the work that has been done, with the aim of contributing to the Angolan biographical collection, on certain subjects.

“We now intend to address Angola’s foreign policy as one of the subjects we have been dealing with and, therefore, we believe that the same work can serve as support material for students, for the future generation and also for all those who appreciate political matters and others”, he highlighted.

Our objective, continued the university professor, will always be to write in order to contribute significantly to the enhancement and understanding of various factors, at the level of understanding the realization of the State.

When asked about Angola’s foreign policy, Osvaldo Mboco said that the country is at its best moment in Extreme Politics, with a very significant performance and that, in the same way, there is a repositioning in the international system, which aims to “obtain the best results”.

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