Peace in the Great Lakes Region and Human Rights may be on the agenda

Peace in the Great Lakes Region and Human Rights may be on the agenda
Peace in the Great Lakes Region and Human Rights may be on the agenda

Africa-Press – Angola. The issue of conflicts in the Great Lakes Region, promotion, protection and dissemination of Human Rights should be some of the topics that will also appear on the agenda of President João Lourenço’s visit to the United States of America (USA), where he will meet with the Counterpart Joe Biden, at the White House, in Washington, considered, yesterday, in Dundo, Lunda-Norte province, the specialist in International Relations Itamba Bavon.

Regarding the visit of the Angolan Head of State to the USA, the lawyer and professor at the Faculty of Law of Lueji A’Nkonde University highlighted that, as President-in- Office of the International Conference for the Region of the Great Lagos (CIRGL), João Lourenço has played a role of crucial importance for peace and security in countries in that region of the African continent, a subject that also concerns the Biden Administration, with emphasis on the prevailing situation in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC) and Sudan.

According to the university professor, Angola’s intervention in conflict management, peacekeeping and regional security, not only in the Great Lakes countries, but also in Central Africa, are topics that will not escape the meeting between the two statesmen.

“Angola has been an important country when it comes to conflict management. It has worked a lot on maintaining regional peace and security, not only in the Great Lakes, but also in Central Africa. So, in my point of view, these are issues that could be addressed and that will not escape in this meeting between the two Presidents”, said Itamba Bavon.

The issue that has to do with the M23, in the DRC, and other armed groups that arise with the intention of creating instability, is another subject that, in the opinion of the specialist in International Relations, will be at the table of conversation between Presidents João Lourenço and Joe Biden.

Itamba Bavon highlighted that the Government of the United States of America is very sensitive in matters related to Human Rights, freedom of expression and press, where it even financially supports many countries, hence he believes that the aforementioned topics will be analyzed, with a view to defining of new action strategies, both in Angola and elsewhere.

Asked about what the countries expect from diplomatic relations that date back three decades, the president of the Provincial Council of the Angolan Bar Association (OAA) in Lunda-Norte said there are interests on both sides.

He mentioned that the fact that the USA is a financially stable country will be very useful for the process of diversifying the Angolan economy which, in fact, is one of the main challenges that President João Lourenço has taken on.

In addition to agriculture, help from the United States of America can be important in the field of Artificial Intelligence, weapons, through the supply, with a view to renewing military equipment to reinforce national defense.

Angola is potentially rich in natural resources, with the USA being a country interested in Oil and Gas, hence there are mutual interests in strengthening cooperation in the Political, Economic and Military domains, for the benefit of both States .

The International Relations specialist considers that the meeting between Presidents João Lourenço and Joe Biden is extremely important, as the Angolan Head of State managed to introduce reforms, the paradigm of which changed the image of the country, which provided a positive impact on improving relations diplomatic.

Therefore, he highlighted that bridges have been laid to strengthen cooperation between Angola and the United States of America, and the meeting between the two Presidents will contribute significantly to improving relations in several areas.

According to Itamba Bavon, no country lives behind closed doors and the USA has extensive experience in the field of International Relations, where Angola also demonstrates that it is a country that is on the right path of diplomacy.

President João Lourenço’s trip to the USA to meet his counterpart Joe Biden dispels doubts regarding the proactivity of Angolan diplomacy, focused on the country’s projection in the international arena, considered the university professor.


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