President João Lourenço already in Namibe

President João Lourenço already in Namibe
President João Lourenço already in Namibe

Africa-Press – Angola. The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, has been in the city of Moçâmedes, Namibe province, since Friday afternoon, for a three-day visit.

In this region of the southern coast, the Head of State will inaugurate the headquarters of the Iona National Park and lead a meeting of the provincial government, to learn about the region’s socioeconomic situation, within the framework of the Open Presidency program.

Located in the Namib Desert, in the southwest corner of Angola, with a steep coastline of 160 kilometers, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, Iona is one of the most sublime wilderness areas, with fertile terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Its central sands are bordered to the east by mountains that reach heights of two thousand meters and to the west by dunes along the entire coast.

Fed by two neighboring rivers, the Cunene and the Curoca, the park contains extensive forests, inhabited by cheetahs and leopards, herds of oryx, gazelles and Hartmann’s zebras, ostriches, reptiles and is the habitat of one of the rarest plants in the world, the Welwitschia Mirabilis.

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