Vice-President reiterates the Executive’s commitment to human dignity

Vice-President reiterates the Executive's commitment to human dignity
Vice-President reiterates the Executive's commitment to human dignity

Africa-Press – Angola. The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, reiterated, this Friday, in Luanda, the Executive’s commitment to democratic values ​​and the defense of human rights, freedom and human dignity.

Esperança da Costa made these statements during the intervention at the opening of the Human Rights Conference, held in reference to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, under the motto “Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All”.

On the occasion, Vice -President of the Republic highlighted the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), considering it as “a beacon of hope for people affected by war, conflicts, the devastating consequences of climate change, forced displacement and various forms of exploration”.

She also recalled that the UDHR are fundamental as they establish universal and inalienable principles that must be respected by everyone, without exception, and recognize that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Esperança da Costa also concluded that human rights are a construction, the impact of which must be felt, in a practical and effective way, in the lives of all citizens.

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