‘A culmination of dreams’: Jesse Clegg ‘honoured’ to perform at New York’s iconic Carnegie Hall

'A culmination of dreams': Jesse Clegg 'honoured' to perform at New York's iconic Carnegie Hall
'A culmination of dreams': Jesse Clegg 'honoured' to perform at New York's iconic Carnegie Hall

Africa-Press – Cape verde. South African singer-songwriter Jesse Clegg is set to perform at the world-famous venue Carnegie Hall in New York City, US, later this year.

Carnegie Hall is one of the most well-known concert venues globally for classical and popular music and has hosted big acts like The Beatles, Judy Garland, Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis and many more.

Having been established in 1891, it has also seen performances by legendary composers such as Gustav Mahler and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who was present at the venue’s opening night.

Clegg will perform at the venue on 29 October 2024 during his next American tour.

“I am immensely excited and honoured to be performing at Carnegie Hall for the first time,” Clegg said in a statement.

“This opportunity is a culmination of dreams, dedication and a significant milestone in my career,” the platinum-selling artist continued.

He added:

Clegg is known for songs such as Let It Burn, Today and Speed of Light. He dropped his latest album, Things Unseen, in 2016.

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