Boa Vista: Elected and citizens “concerned” with the conditions to the evacuation of patients

Boa Vista: Elected and citizens “concerned” with the conditions to the evacuation of patients
Boa Vista: Elected and citizens “concerned” with the conditions to the evacuation of patients

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The citizens and municipal elected officials revealed in the Municipal Assembly (AM) session concern about the conditions to the evacuation of patients from the island and warned local and central authorities to take “rapid and serious” measures.

The health sector, with emphasis on the conditions for the evacuation of patients, was one of the points of greater attention both by the majority of the citizens present, and by the municipal elected representatives during the period before the agenda, at the 2022 first ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of Boa Vista.

Speaking to the media, the MP of the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV), Gilda Marques, recalled that the matter came to light through the participation of a citizen, who spoke about the case of an 85-year-old woman who was involved in a accident and will be evacuated from the island by boat, during a 20-hour trip.

“This is inadmissible and the evacuation of patient situation in the Boa Vista Island is worrying,” she said, considering that “it is not justified there is not even an operating room that has long been expected for its inauguration and start-up”, when there is “great revenue collection, waste and advertising” of Boa Vista being a tourist island.

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