Cabo Verde hosts forum to discuss major trends in the financial sector in the post-pandemic

Cabo Verde hosts forum to discuss major trends in the financial sector in the post-pandemic
Cabo Verde hosts forum to discuss major trends in the financial sector in the post-pandemic

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The City of Praia hosts on the 24th and 25th the 6th edition of the Financial Forum Outlook of Cabo Verde, the 17th in Africa, having on the agenda the analysis of the major trends in the financial sector in the post-pandemic period.

The event is organized by PSO – Knowledge & Communication, which is an entity with more than 12 years of activity, acting since 2015 in Africa and promoting various knowledge forums in various fields, namely in the field of economics, technology and sustainable development.

According to the PSO Director, Paulo Soares Oliveira, the event aims at sharing experiences and bringing to analysis and debate the great trends the financial sector faces in this post-pandemic period.

The forum, according to the same source, will be attende by eight international speakers in a total of about 30, who will discuss in three major workshops the problem of environmental sustainability and the governance axes the banking faces in Cabo Verde.

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