ENAPOR will be the next to be licensed

ENAPOR will be the next to be licensed
ENAPOR will be the next to be licensed

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The public company that manages national ports (ENAPOR) will be the next to be granted a concession, as part of the privatizations planned until the end of the first half of 2025, the Secretary of State for Finance told Lusa today.

“In the coming days, we will launch the sub-concession of port activities”, said the official.

Alcindo Mota said that the process is being prepared and entering the final phase, without saying which model will be followed – direct consultation or public offer.

In January, Deputy Prime Minister Olavo Correia told Lusa that a prior market consultation had already been approved regarding interest in Enapor.

Created in 1982, Enapor increased its share capital, in 2009, to 1.2 billion escudos, entirely belonging to the State.

The Government intends to carry out the privatization of nine state-owned companies by the end of the first half of 2025.

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