Fifteen vessels foreseen in the development project of a shrimp fishing fleet in the country

Fifteen vessels foreseen in the development project of a shrimp fishing fleet in the country
Fifteen vessels foreseen in the development project of a shrimp fishing fleet in the country

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The preliminary study on the development project of a shrimp fishing fleet in Cabo Verde foresee the inclusion of 15 vessels in the country fishery sector, completed the training stage in three vessels.

In fact, the international coordinator of the study, José António Gonzalez, considered, in the presentation of the preliminary study, the product is abundant in the waters of Cabo Verde, has favorable biological characteristics for a sustainable exploration and can be “the marine jewel” of the archipelago.

He explained that the shrimp is an “unprecedented case in the world”, a resource in which the prospecting, evaluation and its gastro-economic valuation has already been made and is therefore recommended its fishing, which uses a fishing art “friendly” to the environment and with a potential of 200 tons /year in the archipelago.

On the part of the Institute of the Sea (Imar), Elísia Cruz considered that the project to develop a shrimp fishing fleet in Cabo Verde is an example that opportunities at sea should not be limited to known potential, but should cover opportunities for new and future resources.

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