Journalistic pieces about VBG will be awarded

Journalistic pieces about VBG will be awarded
Journalistic pieces about VBG will be awarded

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Cape Verdean Association for the Fight Against Gender-Based Violence (ACLCVBG) will launch a contest to reward journalistic pieces on this issue.

Also, on the 18th of May, this association promotes a Workshop on Inclusive Communication and a “Happy Hour”, given by Portuguese journalist Catarina Marques Rodrigues, as part of the IV Week of Reflection on VGB.

The workshop takes place from 9 am to 12:30 pm, at the Hotel Pérola, in Praia. The Happy Hour “Good journalistic practices in violence against women” is scheduled between 5 pm and 7 pm, a place yet to be confirmed.

According to a press release, at the “Happy Hour” event, a contest will be announced to be launched by ACLCVBG in partnership with Catarina Marques Rodrigues to award journalistic pieces that portray gender issues in general or gender-based violence, more specifically, with an approach appropriately and in an inclusive manner.

“We encourage all interested parties to participate in the Workshop and “Happy Hour” to find out about the details of the contest, as well as to acquire innovative and interesting concepts through the renowned journalist, Catarina Marques Rodrigues”, reads the note from ACLCVBG.

These events on May 18, within the scope of the IV Week of Reflection on GBV, aim to bring together efforts to better support Cape Verdean society in the fight against GBV.

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