Loco Music Company receives authorization from RISA to issue international standard recording codes

Loco Music Company receives authorization from RISA to issue international standard recording codes
Loco Music Company receives authorization from RISA to issue international standard recording codes

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Cape Verdean music label, Loco Music Company, receives direct authorization from the Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA) to issue international standard recording codes (ISRCs), the aforementioned producer announced today.

For Loco Music Company, in a press release sent to Asemanaonline, this achievement represents a historic milestone for the local music industry, as it becomes the only record company in the country to obtain this authorization.

“This historic achievement marks a new chapter for the local music industry, opening doors to international recognition and boosting the growth of Cape Verdean artists”, he highlights.

As the same source explains, ISRCs, unique 12-digit alphanumeric codes, serve as a unique identity for sound recordings and video clips, facilitating the tracking and management of copyrights around the world.

It further adds that this standardization ensures that artists and producers receive due compensation for the use of their work, ensuring fairness and transparency in the music industry.

“The granting of authorization to Loco Music Company by RISA, a non-profit organization that represents the interests of record companies in South Africa and manages ISRCs in the country, is a recognition of the growing relevance and potential of Cape Verdean music on the global stage ” , highlights.

Benefits for artists and the music scene

As Loco Music Company assesses, for Cape Verdean artists and record companies, this achievement means direct access to obtaining ISRCs, eliminating the need for intermediaries. “This simplification of the process should reduce costs, speed up the distribution and tracking of Cape Verdean music internationally, boosting the competitiveness and visibility of local artists.”

For the CEO of Loco Music Company, Daniel Costa, this achievement “is a recognition of the vibrant talent and potential of our country’s music sector, and its growing importance on the global stage.”

Future of the Cape Verdean music industry scenario

According to the document sent, this initiative promises to revolutionize the way Cape Verdean music is distributed and consumed around the world. “Through the direct issuance of ISRCs, the country is expected to gain even more prominence on the international music scene, boosting the recognition of its artists and contributing to the enrichment of the global music ecosystem.”

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