New members of the Steering Committee appointed to combat crimes against minors

New members of the Steering Committee appointed to combat crimes against minors
New members of the Steering Committee appointed to combat crimes against minors

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The members of the Steering Committee for the management and follow-up of the National Plan to Prevent and Combat Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents were sworn in this Tuesday, with the aim of combating crimes against minors.

The plan includes institutions such as the Cape Verdean Institute for Children and Adolescents (ICCA) as the coordinating entity for its implementation, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Superior Council of the Public Ministry, the NGO Platform and UNICEF.

In a ceremony held at the ICCA headquarters and presided over by the Secretary of State for Social Inclusion, Lídia Lima reaffirmed the “extreme importance of this act”, highlighting that it was an objective that the Government intended to achieve in order to materialize all the work it has been developing. in order to improve institutional articulations.

Lima praised the importance of creating a network with a view to combating the evils that affect Cape Verdean children, highlighting that the Government, within the framework of the National Plan for the Prevention and Combat of Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents, outlined how priority objective is the involvement of all institutions that deal with problems affecting children in Cape Verde.

He considered that the institutions that make up the Committee have been making a great contribution to the implementation of projects, actions and activities around children in order to combat all the problems that affect them.

The minister said that the Executive expects great engagement from all institutions and the full involvement of the newly appointed in the work which, considering that they have been tireless, even if the results have not yet been achieved. She clarified that the Plan had to be revised in 2021 for its implementation in communities and schools.

“We still feel that we really need to have a national articulation around the problem of sexual rape, the violation of all children’s rights. We feel that it is also necessary to have a functional network that works in favor of children and that institutions must be more involved in this cause”, he explained.

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