North Santiago: Municipality of Tarrafal celebrates today 105 years of its creation

North Santiago: Municipality of Tarrafal celebrates today 105 years of its creation
North Santiago: Municipality of Tarrafal celebrates today 105 years of its creation

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The municipality of Tarrafal, in the countryside of the Santiago Island, created in 1917, whose main economic activities carried out by the population are agriculture, fishing, livestock and tourism, today celebrates 105 years of its creation.

According to historical data, the municipality of Tarrafal was created on April 25, 1917, through Decree-law No. 3108-B of April 25, causing its disintegration of the Municipality of Santa Catarina, which, until 1912, had its headquarters in the village of Tarrafal, grouping the parishes of Santo Amaro Abade and São Miguel Arcanjo, based in the village of Tarrafal.

This administrative configuration remained until 1997, when it was divided in two municipalities, Tarrafal and São Miguel.

The municipality, which has 112.4 square kilometers, has 22 localities, two urban (city of Mangue and Chão Bom) and 20 rural.

It is in the city of Mangue that encompasses the buildings of the City Hall, the Church of Nhu Santo Amaro Abade, the National Police Station, the craft and culture market, the old cinema, the Baia Verde and high school, among other major infrastructures.

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