PAICV accuses the Government of destabilizing air transport with the withdrawal of Bestfly from Cape Verde

PAICV accuses the Government of destabilizing air transport with the withdrawal of Bestfly from Cape Verde
PAICV accuses the Government of destabilizing air transport with the withdrawal of Bestfly from Cape Verde

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The PAICV (opposition party) today accused the Government of destabilizing connectivity between the islands due to a lack of solutions, commitment, trust and credibility that guarantees confidence so that people can operate in Cape Verde.

“In eight years, this is the third domestic airline to say goodbye to Cape Verde and to say goodbye in worrying situations, following a degradation of services and charges assumed by Cape Verdeans through taxes and sometimes even Government propaganda in the quality of service”, said the president of the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV, opposition), at a press conference in which he addressed issues about air transport in the country.

For Rui Semedo, something doesn’t add up when, for the third time, airlines say goodbye to the country, highlighting that “the mistakes and failures lie with us in not having solutions of compromise, trust and credibility that guarantee trust so that people can operate in Cape Verde”.

He continues by stating that messages have been circulating for a long time that Bestfly is definitively saying goodbye to the country, but that the Government has said nothing to the population.

“The question that arises is where is the Government, why is it there when partners arrive with parties, gifts and celebrations, but in times of difficulties and goodbyes we did not see this partner giving satisfaction to people”, he asked, highlighting that Cape Verdeans need answers regarding the guarantee of their rights to movement, connectivity, regularity and predictability in departures between the islands.

He also argues that with this attitude, Cape Verdeans do not have the right or the flexibility to have the fundamental right, which is for people to have a transport system that guarantees stability, security, regularity and possibility that is affordable with their purchasing power. of people.

“This makes us wonder if it is the operators or the Government that have not had adequate responses to have an operator in the country that serves the people. Here people are the most harmed, due to lack of transport, effects and impacts on the economy, and because of our resources that are left unprofitable due to unpredictable allocation”, he said.

Rui Semedo also added that Cape Verde is returning to the point below its starting point in 2016, as there were three planes in operation, one being repaired and two fully functioning doing domestic operations.

“We are returning to the time when the opposition had said that the solution was to return to the national domestic airline and create conditions for competition and not without monopoly”, he added.

He also recalled, in his communication, that the country has said little about the professionals working for air carriers and the instability that has been created for the company’s employees, starting with the trip to the island of Sal and now with the return to base.

In addition, it recalls the situation faced by families in the air transport business and questions who guarantees the fundamental rights of these families.

“We disrupted the services we had. One of the best maintenance companies in our sub-region and one that owes nothing to anyone. We have pilots, but due to this situation we are losing, as well as the cabin crew”, he concluded.

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