Portugal: Mário Lúcio Sousa talks about the impact that books can have on the world in the presentation of his novel

Portugal: Mário Lúcio Sousa talks about the impact that books can have on the world in the presentation of his novel
Portugal: Mário Lúcio Sousa talks about the impact that books can have on the world in the presentation of his novel

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Cape Verdean writer Mário Lúcio Sousa presented his most recent literary work to the Lisbon public, entitled “The book that wrote me”, speaking about the impact that books can have on the world.

The book was presented on the night of this Friday, 19th, in one of the bookstores in the Portuguese capital, and at the end of the event, in exclusive statements to Inforpress, Mário Lúcio Sousa revealed the inspirations behind this work published by Dom Quixote publications.

“It was like that, suddenly, I was reading ‘100 years of solitude’ by Garcia Marques, and suddenly I had this feeling, what if this book never existed? It was from there that the idea came to write a book about a book so important that it disappears”, explained the author

In “The book that me wrote”, Sousa shared the innovation he brings to the work, by making the book itself the protagonist of the plot, something different from his previous works, which explored historical themes.

Mário Lúcio Sousa also described this work as “completely open to imagination and poetry”, in which he creates facts, revealing his need to explore his “fertile imagination” and highlighting the importance of poetry, love and laughter in his writing.

“Because poetry is what makes this world habitable”, emphasized Mário Lúcio, adding that “love is fundamental” to guide human thoughts and actions, while laughter “distinguishes people from animals”.

When asked about the ability of books to change the world, he responded with conviction.

“If I didn’t believe it, I would be very ignorant, because the book is what changed the world”, he said, arguing that books are guardians of human knowledge and essential for understanding history and humanity.

Mário Lúcio Sousa also revealed that the book will be presented on May 2nd in Tarrafal, his hometown, and May 6th in the city of Praia, taking the opportunity to highlight the interest that the work has aroused and expressed his happiness with the public’s receptivity. , therefore anticipating enthusiasm for the next presentations already scheduled.

In addition to “The book that wrote me”, the author has published other novels, namely “The new testament”, “The last moon of a big man”, “The devil was my baker” and “Biography of the tongue”.

He is also the author of “Birth of a World” (poetry), “Under the Signs of Light” (poetry), “Never Again to Speak of Love” (poetry), “Thirty Days of the Poorest Man in the World” (fiction) and “Parallel Lives” (fiction).

In addition to being a writer, for whom he has already received several awards and distinctions, Mário Lúcio Sousa, who also served as Minister of Culture of Cape Verde between 2011 and 2026, is a singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist.

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