Portuguese doctors train in Cape Verde on Pain Medicine and Palliative Care

Portuguese doctors train in Cape Verde on Pain Medicine and Palliative Care
Portuguese doctors train in Cape Verde on Pain Medicine and Palliative Care

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Specialists from the 3M Medical Initiative (IM3M) will be in Cape Verde between Saturday and January 29 to teach an Intensive Course in Pain Medicine and Palliative Care for more than 100 Cape Verdean health professionals.

In a statement sent to Lusa, IM3M reports that the mission takes place at the invitation of the Ministry of Health of that African country and will take place in the City of Praia, where they were in 2022 to teach Palliative Care.

The delegation will be made up of six doctors, a psychologist, a social worker, a yoga instructor and a master in sports science and Pilates instructor, doctor Hugo Ribeiro revealed to Lusa.

According to that non-profit organization, they will travel to Cape Verde… specialists in the areas of Geriatrics, Pain Medicine and Palliative Care, who will also be responsible for six ‘workshops’ on physical exercise and non-pharmacological therapies for the prevention and treatment of pain that lasts nine hours and are aimed at around 60 health professionals.

The group of doctors will also participate in gatherings-debates on self-knowledge to prevent ‘burnout’ (exhaustion), for 40 people.

Compassionate cities: present and future, from the community to public administration, for 70 people, will be the second of the scheduled debates, with the participation of the Ambassador of Portugal in Cape Verde, Paulo Lourenço, the Deputy Secretary of Health of Cape Verde, the Director National Health Authority of Cape Verde, the National Director of the Plan Against Oncological Diseases and the National Director of the National Palliative Care Plan, among others, describes the press release.

The group of gatherings also includes a sharing of experiences about “diagnosis at the end of life – cases that leave an impression on us”, aimed at 40 participants, we also read.

During this mission, the statement continues, meetings are planned with officials from the Cape Verde Ministry of Health and the University of Cape Verde, with the aim of signing bilateral agreements for the development of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care in the archipelago.

The specialists will also hold consultancy sessions at Hospital Agostinho Neto, in the city of Praia, in various services, to support therapeutic decisions for patients admitted to this hospital, particularly more complex cases.

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