Praia: Tira Chapeu and Varzea will be target of insecticide paints to combat malaria

Praia: Tira Chapeu and Varzea will be target of insecticide paints to combat malaria
Praia: Tira Chapeu and Varzea will be target of insecticide paints to combat malaria

Africa-Press – Cape verde. About 20 young people from the neighborhoods of Tira Chapéu and Várzea da Companhia, in Praia City, will participate this week in the Tintaedes pilot project aiming to assist the community in combating vector mosquito.

In the presentation of the project, which is funded by the Government of the Canary Islands, through the Canary Foundation for the Control of Tropical Diseases (FUNCCET), the project coordinator and coordinator of the Tropical Diseases research group in Jean Piaget, Lara Gomez, explained that it is an ink consisting of insecticides that kills creeping and flying insects, and used to paint houses.

“Together with Sita we started, two years ago, trying this ink they want to introduce into the country for this purpose. As a university, we did the experiment and evaluation of the product, we concluded that it works after observing it in the laboratory and in the painted houses”, she said.

She also stressed that of the three inks selected for this project, ‘inesfly’ was chosen for the way it behaved during laboratory tests and for the certification it has at international level, which it shows that it can be used as a way of controlling and improving public health.

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