Prime Minister rules out salary increase despite crisis

Prime Minister rules out salary increase despite crisis
Prime Minister rules out salary increase despite crisis

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Despite acknowledging the effects of the economic crisis, including rising prices and loss of purchasing power, the prime minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, ruled out the possibility of a salary increase. On the other hand, he promised measures to circumvent inflation.

The disposal of the salary increase to face the crisis was made after faced with the loss of purchasing power, in the face of the pandemic and the sharp increase in prices.

“When we have all these priorities, I don’t think we can put, give priority, to salary updates. It will come in its time when we can accommodate these additional expenses,” she perspective.

In a major interview granted, this Sunday, to some media, Ulisses Correia e Silva said that the Government’s focus is now on social protection, inclusion and mitigation of the effects of high prices on essential products.

Five million for mitigation

“Social protection, protection of the poorest, for inclusion, which requires huge resources. Between the protection and mitigation of the effect of the high prices of food and fuel products, we are talking, from April to December, of more than five billion escudos”, he revealed.

With regard to the eradication of poverty, he said that it is necessary to recognize that the current situation has made the situation much more difficult, but, he guaranteed, “the commitment remains the same”.

“We have to have long-term goals, but do our best, so that, in this legislature, we can either eliminate or be close to that elimination”, he maintained.

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