Project for the museum of the ruins of the Nossa Senhora da Concenção Church officially begins on May 16 – IPC announces

Project for the museum of the ruins of the Nossa Senhora da Concenção Church officially begins on May 16 – IPC announces
Project for the museum of the ruins of the Nossa Senhora da Concenção Church officially begins on May 16 – IPC announces

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The project for the museum of the ruins of the Nossa Senhora da Concenção Church will officially start on Monday, May 16, assured this Thursday the President of the Cultural Heritage Institute, Jair Fernandes.

This guarantee was announced by the person responsible during the visit he received from the Portuguese Cooperation Attaché of the Embassy of Portugal in the city of Praia, Odete Ferreira e Serra, to whom he presented the progress of project, which had the financing of the Camões Institute in the amount of 15.000 Euros.

According to this representative, they intend to move forward with the work that will also count on the participation of archaeologists and scientists from Cambridge University (England) and still in the excavation phase they will have assistance of the officials from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, whose arrival is scheduled for the second week of June.

Jair Fernandes also said that the project has already been socialized with stakeholders, namely the Diocese of Santiago and former owner Manuel de Pina, who donated the land to the Church.

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