Santo Antão: Fishing sector in Porto Novo lives its worst moments – Fishermen’s Association

Santo Antão: Fishing sector in Porto Novo lives its worst moments – Fishermen’s Association
Santo Antão: Fishing sector in Porto Novo lives its worst moments – Fishermen’s Association

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The fishing sector in the municipality of Porto Novo, Santo Antão, “lives its worst moments” both at the artisanal level and in relation to the semi-industral sub-sector, warned on Sunday, the president of the local Fishermen’s Association.

“It is already three months since the fishing sector in Porto Novo is experiencing its worst moments, never seen in terms of capture, both the artisanal and semi-industrial aspects. There’s no fish. The semi-industrial boats go to fishing, but return to the port empty, adding expenses and debts”, warned today Atlermiro Neves.

The president of the Fishermen’s Association of Porto Novo, in conversation with Inforpress, also warned of the “complicated situation” the fishmongers, usually women in this county, who “do not have fish to sell, so they can not get the bread to support their homes”.

Atlermiro Neves called for the City Hall of Porto Novo and the Government to help, above all, artisanal fishermen who are going through “difficult days” due to poor capture.

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