Africa-Press – Cape verde. The use of sexual stimulants without a prescription among the younger population of Cape Verde has been a cause for concern and concern for specialists who deal with this issue.
Sexual stimulants are generally used by adult men who suffer from some sexual dysfunction, but in recent times, there has been a growing use of these substances among young people worldwide.
Inforpress sought to investigate whether this practice has been occurring among young Cape Verdeans. It contacted ten young men in the city of Praia, but only three, aged between 22 and 25, agreed to talk and confessed to having used stimulants to improve their sexual performance.
Bruno and Fábio (fictitious name), aged 23 and 25, respectively, claim that when they are under the influence of these stimulants they are able to maintain an erection for long periods and have sex with several partners. They say that they normally use these substances when they are at parties and nightlife events.
António (fictitious name), another young man interviewed, aged 25, said that he had used it out of mere curiosity and influence from friends and that he has used it occasionally since then.
Inforpress also sought to find out how they manage to access these substances. They reported that they order via the internet on e-commerce platforms and that they also buy from friends and acquaintances who bring the product from abroad, especially from emigrants from the United States of America and Europe.
When asked if they feel any discomfort after using it, one of these young men reported that, on some occasions, he had nausea, an increase in body temperature, headache, changes in heart rate, and burning sensations in the genitals and eyes.
After interviewing these young men, Inforpress sought to find out from a urologist and a sexologist about this practice among young Cape Verdeans.
Sexologist Sandra Perez considers the use of sexual stimulants by young people to be worrying. She believes that this happens due to promiscuity, social influences, especially from friends, the desire to please and impress, curiosity to experiment, as well as the influence of the digital world.
According to the specialist, other causes for this behavior are related to self-esteem and insecurity, and that this can be treated with sexual therapy.
“If you have any doubts, you can seek out a specialist for guidance, so that you can develop a healthier, more satisfying and responsible sexual life and not put your health at risk,” she commented.
She pointed out psychological and physical dependence as some of the consequences for those who consume these substances, justifying that on a psychological level, young people begin to believe that if they do not consume these substances they will not be able to have a satisfactory sexual life, and on a physical level they think that in order to have a better “performance” they need to take these stimulants.
“If you do not have a medical prescription or some pathological condition such as erectile sexual dysfunction that could not be treated with psychological therapy, there is no point in using these substances because it is very dangerous,” she warned.
He recommended that when a young man intends to use these substances, he should first seek out a health professional, in this case a specialist, so that they can have a healthy, satisfactory and responsible sex life.
Urologist Benvindo Lopes explained that these stimulants are medicines or substances that are used to facilitate the erection process, discovered in the 90s, and that brought about a revolution in the treatment of the dysfunction.
He said that in his office he sees young men with erectile dysfunction every day, which can affect any man, regardless of age.
He advised young men who have a normal erection process that it is not necessary to take the stimulant, and for those who really need it, it is best not to buy the products outside of pharmacies, because the dose and the degree of impurity of these products are often adulterated, which can complicate health.
He said that the best thing to do is to consult a specialist to see if you need to use these medicines or substances.
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