Don’t blame Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo,he communicated a Government position supporting Gege-Mbondzela evictions

Don’t blame Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo,he communicated a Government position supporting Gege-Mbondzela evictions
Don’t blame Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo,he communicated a Government position supporting Gege-Mbondzela evictions

Africa-Press – Eswatini. Wandile Dludlu,the Deputy President of the People’s United Democratic Movement(PUDEMO) says Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo was communicating a Government position when he supported the Gege-Mbondzela evictions and demolition of homes belonging to the residents.

Speaking on Thursday,the PUDEMO Deputy President said, personalizing statements issued by Nxumalo would mislead the masses not to understand the modus operandi of the Tinkhundla system of governance adding that, if Nxumalo was communicating without consulting his superiors, he would have long been fired.

“Nxumalo, at personal level is a good man it’s just that he is an opportunist who made himself available for the position to be used by the system.The things he say reflect the true position of the Tinkhundla system and that’s why after uttering these statements,he will get his salary at the end of the month for a job well-done.What happened in the issue of the Gege demolitions was that,Government first took a position to support the demolitions through Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo but later changed the position after learning that,this might cause another unrest. So Natural Resources Minister Prince Lonkhonkhela and Alpheous Nxumalo were both communicating a Government position it’s just that, Lonkhonkhela who stopped the evictions did so after the Government learned that,Nxumalo’s statements escalated the tension.BakaNgwane bayesabe kabi lenye political unrest, bamangala kakhulu kutsi kantsi emaSwati kuyenteka asukume.That’s why we always say the power to liberate this country is upon all Swazis kutsi asukume”, said the PUDEMO Deputy President.

Eswatini is not democratic,political parties are banned while poor citizens are evicted from their land amid human rights violations.

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