“Eswatini will continue to stand with Taiwan”, King Mswati tells new President William Lai Ching-te amid pressure from China

“Eswatini will continue to stand with Taiwan”, King Mswati tells new President William Lai Ching-te amid pressure from China
“Eswatini will continue to stand with Taiwan”, King Mswati tells new President William Lai Ching-te amid pressure from China

Africa-Press – Eswatini. King Mswati has assured newly elected Taiwan President William Lai Ching-te that eSwatini will continue to be Taiwan trusted friend in the entire African continent.

Addressing the President and senior Taiwan government officials including guests who attended the inauguration,the King further pledged to support Taiwan in all global endeavors.

“Rest assured that you have a true friend and a trusted friend on the African continent because we are an ally that will continue to support you in all your global endeavors”, said the King.

William Lai Ching-te, the newly elected Taiwan President was inaugurated on Monday and the King was one of the important guests.

On another note, the King’s sentiments comes amid pressure from China calling upon eSwatini to respect the United Nations(UN) Resolution 2758 of 1971 that endorsed the One China Principle and in terms of the resolution,Taiwan is regarded as a Chinese province.

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