“Ngiyabati labalwanami”, says former Army Commander Lieutenant General Jeffery Shabalala after being denied entry at King’s Birthday.

“Ngiyabati labalwanami”, says former Army Commander Lieutenant General Jeffery Shabalala after being denied entry at King’s Birthday.
“Ngiyabati labalwanami”, says former Army Commander Lieutenant General Jeffery Shabalala after being denied entry at King’s Birthday.

Africa-Press – Eswatini. Lieutenant General Jeffery Shabalala, the former Army Commander was harassed and subsequently denied entry at the Mankayane Sports Ground during the King’s Birthday Celebration on Friday.

The order was issued by Major General Collen Lasco,the Head of the Royal Close Protection Unit, soldiers at the gate were quick and they immediately block Shabalala and told him to go before anything happens to him.

Worth-noting, the former Army Commander was carrying an invitation card as a guest for the King but,Major General Collen Lasco who as previously reported, once worked with the current Army Commander Lieutenant General Mashikilisane Fakudze to topple Shabalala, denied him entry.

This is not the first time Shabalala faces persecution, he was previously harassed by Mashikilisane Fakudze who sent soldiers to grab cars from him, he then issued an order, denying him entry at Nokwane Headquarters during the recent Army Day Celebration despite being a Guest as a former Army Commander.

“Akadzingeki lomuntfu lona lana, asifuni timphaka, timfingo lana”,(meaning: This person is not allowed to be here, we don’t want baboons here)”, said Major General Collen Lasco when issuing the order to the soldiers at the gate during the King’s Birthday.

But one of soldiers who were at the gate here at Mankayane Sports Ground was heard sympathizing with Shabalala saying”, “Shabalala ufela kutsi noma kwenteka loku lokwamehlela, Inkhosi imkhuluma kahle ingahle imkhumbule.Inkhosi iyati kutsi kwentekani”.

After being harassed for over ten(10) minutes, Lieutenant Shabalala left after uttering these words;

“Ngiyabati labalwa bami(meaning: I know those who are fighting me)”.

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