Minister Bouy Describes MOPS Retreat as Success

Minister Bouy Describes MOPS Retreat as Success
Minister Bouy Describes MOPS Retreat as Success

Africa-Press – Gambia. The Minister of Public Service, Administrative Reforms, Policy Coordination, and Delivery has described the just concluded Public Service Ministry’s internal retreat held in Jerre Camp Lodge in Sita Nunku, Upper Nuimi District of North Bank Region, as a success.

The 3-day internal retreat focused on the sector’s five-year (2024-2029) strategic plan and was organized by the Civil Service Reforms and Planning Unit (CSRPU) under the Ministry of Public Service with the main aim of shaping the future direction of the Ministry of Public Service.

Hon. Baboucarr Bouy, speaking at the closing of the retreat, expressed satisfaction with the way the retreat went, noting that the areas covered during the session show him that lots have been covered and each participant learned something new during the retreat.

“Now, we will see ourselves whether individually, units, or directorates in the document. So, let me take this opportunity to commend the drafting committee headed by CSRPU for putting extra work into the document during the session,” he appreciated them.

“As a Ministry responsible for policy coordination, administrative reforms, and delivery, if our ministry’s direction is not clear, we will not have any moral right and authority to expect other ministries to deliver on their mandates,” Minister Bouy informed.

“Retreat is not only about bringing people together for academic purposes but socially it makes people interact and know each other and we can only succeed in our deliberations through togetherness,” Minister Bouy justified.

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