Sabally’s Popularity on Facebook Declines Following Defection to NPP

Sabally’s Popularity on Facebook Declines Following Defection to NPP
Sabally’s Popularity on Facebook Declines Following Defection to NPP

Africa-Press – Gambia. The huge Facebook following that the former UDP campaign manager Momodou Saballyenjoyed has hugely declined following his defection to the NPP sometime ago but Saballyhas strenuously denied this.

An audit conducted on Sabally’s main Facebookby this reporter has revealed a massive drop in the politician’s Facebook fandom as numbers nose-dived from four digits to two digits.

Before waving goodbye to the Gambia’s main opposition party, Sabally virtually had a cult following on Facebook as his posts generated more than one thousand likes and some hundreds of comments.

However, the former presidential affairs minister under Jammeh has been struggling to redeem his former popularity as his Facebookposts now generate less than 20 likes and comments at times.

It was unclear to this reporter why Sabally has been massively losing ground on Facebook.

However, this reporter has learned that some UDP members have been calling for a boycott of his Facebook page since he turned his back on the party, and Sabally himself said despite the call for a boycott, his Facebook page has been burgeoning.

“I have a personal profile, which most people don’t follow. Where my posts happen is my public figure page, which had about 60,000 followers when I left the UDP. The page that they said they would boycott has now reached 62,000 followers,” Sabally explained to this media.

He dismissed as malicious and mendacious this reporter’s findings about his dwindling popularity on Facebook.

Mr. Sabally sent us a screenshot of the latest video that he posted on Facebook, hinting thatthe over 100,000 views that the video garneredwere enough proof of his growing popularity

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