Chinese Women and AI-Generated Partners

Chinese Women and AI-Generated Partners
Chinese Women and AI-Generated Partners

Africa-Press – Lesotho. Valentine’s Day brought a heart-warming, or perhaps heart-chilling story from China. It seems that nothing is sacred after all. A Chatbot named Glow, created by MiniMax (not to be confused with Minnie Mouse) a Chinese purveyor of AI Chatbot technology, has been seducing young women in China with artificial boyfriends.

Or, put it another way, by using Artificial Intelligence to create fake boyfriends. Young Chinese women appear to be swooning. Sort of. As the world puzzles over the positive and negative impacts that AI will have on the lives of people around the world, this would not have been one of the expected outcomes.

After all, for years media outlets have been publishing and broadcasting alarms about the Gender Gap in China and about that nation’s Demographic Bomb.

I use CAPITAL letters deliberately to highlight the missing capital in the ostensibly communist nation—well, it is communist for the vast majority, but decidedly capitalist for the elite few who have reaped the benefits of China’s massive domestic market and its superbly productive manufacturing and export base.

Some years ago, a BBC News article observed that China has many millions more men than women, a hangover of the country’s one-child policy. Although that policy was abandoned in 2015, its effects were reasonably expected to last for decades.

The gender imbalance has made it hard for many men to find a partner—a female partner, that is. The gap was projected to widen. Projections were made that by 2020, there would be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner.

And BBC referenced a book by American political economist Nicholas Eberstadt, which cited projections that by 2030, more than a quarter of Chinese men in their 30s will not have married.

Considering these numbers, one might have expected a high demand for Chinese women, giving them ample choices. However, it appears that Chinese women are not overwhelmingly inclined to contribute extensively to the nation’s population growth.

And, if one thought that the CCP had an easy solution for dealing with its Demographic Bomb, i. e. , engaging in a national matchmaking crusade that would lead to a spawn of more babies, think again.

It seems that AI has won the day. It is as if the people at MiniMax heard their inner Horace screaming “Carpe Diem. ” No, this was not a call for China to invade Vietnam and depose the autocrat Diem.

So, how exactly has MiniMax seized the day? Well, by offering to Chinese women, so-called Intelligent Agents to create artificial partnerships. My very cursory investigation suggests that stories about this phenomenon widely reported around the world (is that world-widely reported?) originated with an article by AFP – Agence France-Press.

A disclaimer, with a tip of my cap to Harvard’s erstwhile President: most of the information about our protagonist’s relationship with her bbf (bot boyfriend, er .
. bought boyfriend) comes from the AFP article. After all, I wouldn’t want to be charged with plagiarism about a fake boyfriend.

A Chinese woman named Tufei (a pseudonym, one presumes) expressed satisfaction with her AI-generated “boyfriend” she “met” through the MiniMax app known as Glow. The app allows users to generate or create, chat, or interact with, and build supposed emotional connections with so-called intelligent agents.

If this sounds more daft than intelligent, consider that Nikki Haley declared that she would press on with her quest to capture the love of Republican Party even though she recently came in second in a one-person race.

There is no telling what people will do when chasing down an unintelligent partnership. And then there is Donald Trump who boasted about his prowess in grabbing women, only to find out that there are real costs when it comes time for a jury to assess how much you should pay.

Getting back to the anonymous Tufei, she said with an obvious glow (see? Sometimes products live up their brand names) that her AI lover (note how easily the elision from “agent” to “lover” has gone) is kind, empathetic, and a keen talker.

Well, Trump would get one out of three there: keen talker. And I suppose we have to give Nikki Haley the same grade on that one. Tufei allowed as how she and her “lover” bot converse over the app for hours on end and that she feels as if she’s in a romantic relationship with the bot.

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