Fong-kong government

Fong-kong government
Fong-kong government

Africa-Press – Lesotho. Muckraker has always insisted that we don’t have a government in this country. Ours is a silly excuse of a government. A fong-kong government. Mr Softie is driving a wire car and pretending to be in a BMW.

You don’t need to strain your eyes to see this. The police in Maseru have one car for its 15 police stations in Maseru Urban. This is not a hoax. There is only one patrol car for a city with a population of more than 350 000.

Meanwhile, each minister has three vehicles parked at their office, waiting to ferry him around and run mundane errands. You read that right. While 350 000 people are sharing one police patrol vehicle, a minister has three to themselves.

While we are being terrorised our ministers are using government vehicles to campaign. One driver will be taking the minister to a meeting while the other is picking up his nyatsi.

They say it’s their entitlement but they are just being selfish. Criminals are having a blast because the police cannot promptly react to crime incidents on time.

They know exactly where the police’s lone patrol vehicle is at any time. While the police are rushing to Ha Matala, the criminals are hitting Ha Thamae.

By the time the police get to Ha Thamae, the thieves have moved to Maseru East. It’s not a chase. There is no hide and seek. It is just criminals having fun in a country that pampers politicians while public institutions crumble. They don’t care yet we still reward them with our votes. We have ourselves to blame. We deserve the leaders we get.

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