Property Portfolio brings affordable housing

Property Portfolio brings affordable housing
Property Portfolio brings affordable housing

Africa-Press – Lesotho. Property Portfolio has started a housing project with the aim to redefine Lesotho’s residential property landscape. The affordable large-scale mixed-use urban housing developments were pioneered in

Maseru District at Khubelu last week. Property Portfolio housing will build about 45 houses at Khubelu View and 4 000 at Morero City as part of the project and the houses will come fitted with kitchen

element and wardrobes. Their houses come along with paved tarred roads, community parks and schools, solar street lighting, grey water recycling, community shopping centres and many other developments.

Property Portfolio Founder and Executive Chairman Monaheng Nkhahle stated that there is still a huge challenge when it comes to owning properties such as a house in

the country. He said their aim as Property Portfolio is to ensure that mortgages are easily accessible to people. “We make improvements so that people may easily access loans as we will work

closely with the banks in our country,” he said. Nkhahle further said their vision is specific about the role they want to play in the property sector,

particularly the role of development. He said development includes being engaged with banks to facilitate or create the products that they will be interested in and also to engage with land owners and many other sectors.

He indicated that at this stage they innovate every aspect of their property development. Nkhahle said they will continuously try to find things that are

better, things that enhance the environment and houses’ appeal while prioritizing affordability. He said they have conducted a study which revealed to them that Lesotho, specifically Maseru, has a lot of young people who constitute the working class hence they want to enable them to acquire affordable, high valued houses.

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