Chakwera talks mega farms with FAO

Chakwera talks mega farms with FAO
Chakwera talks mega farms with FAO

Africa-Press – Malawi. President Lazarus Chakwera says he is optimistic to establish more mega farms to achieve what is expected in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) despite the challenges Malawi is currently facing.

Chakwera said this during a round table discussion with Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Director General, Dr. Qu Dongyu in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly conference.

He called for collective effort with stakeholders to prioritize agriculture modernization as a catalyst of food security as Malawi is fostering on establishment of Mega Farms as one way of boosting productivity, adding they have the potential to transform Malawi`s economic growth if supported fully.

He assured the FAO team that Malawi has put in place mechanisms that will improve farming productivity as one way of improving food security amidst challenges of disasters and crisis.

Chakwera pointed out that Cyclone Freddy has heavily impacted more on people’s lives in Malawi saying it has contributed to food shortage to a huge number of households hence the need for FAO to assist.

The FAO team assured Malawi of its continued support adding that the organization is pleased with the establishment of mega farms to defeat hunger. Reported by Lisa Kadango-Malango in New York, United States of America

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