16,000 take tests for compulsory military service from May 20 to June 15

16,000 take tests for compulsory military service from May 20 to June 15
16,000 take tests for compulsory military service from May 20 to June 15

Africa-Press – Mozambique. A total of 16,000 young people will be summoned to take selection and classification tests from May 20 until July 5th, with a view to joining the Armed Defence Forces of Mozambique (FADM).

The country-wide process also covers young people who were called in previous years, but who, for whatever reason, did not appear for the classification and selection tests.

Deputy national director of Human Resources at the Ministry of National Defence, Ilídio Muhelo, explained that the youngsters undergo medical, written and physical fitness tests to determine their ability to serve in the military.

The tests also serve to facilitate their placement in different branches of the Armed Forces according to profile.

“For example, to join the Navy, those qualified must have basic knowledge of swimming. We select individuals according to their profile for certain specialties. It means that we explain to young people considered unfit that they cannot fulfil their military duties, but they can serve the country in other capacities,” Muhelo explained.

He added that the tests are carried out by specialised teams comprising military doctors, psychologists and other specialists.

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