TA will no longer audit central bank’s accounts

TA will no longer audit central bank’s accounts
TA will no longer audit central bank’s accounts

Africa-Press – Mozambique. The Bank of Mozambique will no longer be audited by the Administrative Tribunal (TA), because the law approved definitively by the Assembly of the Republic yesterday places it outside the list of institutions whose accounts must be verified by this body.

On April 18, parliament approved in general and by consensus the proposed law on the organisation and functioning of the public accounts section of the Administrative Tribunal, with the indication that, in the version to be voted in the specificity, an article would be included for the central bank to be audited by the Administrative Tribunal.

This retreat by the executive led the Renamo and MDM benches to vote against the approval of the instrument because they considered that the Administrative Tribunal’s refusal to audit the central bank violates the constitution.

Approved with 154 Frelimo votes, the instrument specifies the institutions that must be verified or audited by the Administrative Tribunal.

The Frelimo bench considers that the proposed law aims to ensure the principle of auditor independence, namely legality, financial regularity, economy, efficiency, effectiveness, segregation of duties and responsibility.

For its part, Renamo feels deceived and manipulated by the government, given that the law in general was approved after the executive, in the person of the Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena Kida, had guaranteed that, in the specialty, the Bank of Mozambique would be integrated into the list.

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