MP Komba Quee Uplifts Communities in Kamara Chiefdom, Kono District

MP Komba Quee Uplifts Communities in Kamara Chiefdom, Kono District
MP Komba Quee Uplifts Communities in Kamara Chiefdom, Kono District

Africa-Press – Sierra-Leone. In a bid to heighten community support and development, Honorable Komba Quee has made significant contributions to uplift various communities within Kamara Chiefdom.

The honorable member of parliament, responding to urgent calls from stakeholders, has generously extended assistance to address pressing needs in Bendu II Town, Kamadu Town, and the headquarter of the chiefdom, Tombodu Town.

Speaking exclusively to Sierraloaded, Honorable Quee emphasized the importance of addressing the challenges faced by the people, stating that the donations were prompted by a genuine desire to assist those in need. His proactive approach reflects a commitment to serving the constituents and fostering development in the region.

The donations encompass a range of critical initiatives:

Rehabilitation of Lutheran Primary School, Tombodu Town: Honorable Quee pledged support by donating three bundles of zinc, five packets of nails, and a promise of 20 bags of cement for the reconstruction of the Lutheran Primary School, which suffered damage due to heavy winds.

Rehabilitation of Tombodu Town’s Turntable: Recognizing the significance of the central turntable in Tombodu Town, Honorable Quee provided five bags of cement, covered labor fees, and offered tokens to local youths to assist in restoring this vital community infrastructure.

Assistance to Affected Households in Bendu II Town: Eight households in Bendu II Town, grappling with the aftermath of severe weather, received aid in the form of eight bundles of zinc to facilitate repairs to their homes.

Construction of Toilet Facilities at United Methodist Primary School, Kamadu: Addressing a pressing need for improved sanitation, Honorable Quee contributed ten lengths of iron rods, 20 bags of cement, a bundle of zinc, packets of nails, and other construction materials to support the construction of toilet facilities at the United Methodist Primary School in Kamadu Town.

The impact of these donations was palpable, as expressed by stakeholders such as Sahr George Moiwa, who conveyed unwavering confidence in Honorable Quee’s commitment to fulfilling the needs of the community. The beneficiaries echoed sentiments of gratitude, acknowledging the timely assistance and expressing prayers for continued success in Honorable Quee’s endeavors.

In response, Honorable Quee extended his appreciation for the overwhelming support and reiterated his dedication to channeling resources towards meaningful projects that uplift the lives of constituents. He urged the beneficiaries to utilize the donations judiciously, emphasizing that the funds were sourced directly from his personal contributions.

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