Sierra Leone Premier League Board Appoints New Disciplinary Committee Members

Sierra Leone Premier League Board Appoints New Disciplinary Committee Members
Sierra Leone Premier League Board Appoints New Disciplinary Committee Members

Africa-Press – Sierra-Leone. The Sierra Leone Premier League Board has informed the public and Premier League clubs that it has appointed a new set of Disciplinary and Appeals Committee Members for the second phase of the 2023/2024 League season.

The Board would also thank the erstwhile Emergency Disciplinary Committee members for their selfless service and contribution to our beautiful game.

However, to expedite the resolution of cases, the Board has appointed the following individuals to serve on the Emergency Disciplinary and Protest Committee, in accordance with Article 32.1(a) of the 2023 League Rules and Regulations.

Below are the names of the new appointees:

Demba Barrie Esq – Chairman

Masa Brima Esq Deputy Chairman

Sheriff Barrie – Football Administrator. Member

Elizabeth Baby French-Ex-FIFA Referee, Member

Emilia Karnara Jenga-Football Administrator, Member

For the Appeals Committee, the Board has also appointed the following persons, pursuant to

Article 32.1 (b) of the League Regulations:

John Tamba Tyre Esq-Chairman

Alimatu Titi George Member

Daniel Koroma Esq-Member

The Board assure all Premier League clubs and fans that it will ensure that backlog cases are promptly addressed and decisions are published within the shortest possible time.

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