CCC Member Arrested For Insulting President

CCC Member Arrested For Insulting President
CCC Member Arrested For Insulting President

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. A CCC member in Kadoma, Mashonaland West Province, Emmanuel Manguda has been arrested on allegations of insulting President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Manguda, an interim CCC Kadoma district secretary, allegedly posted an image deemed derogatory to Mnangagwa.

He is being charged for contravening section 164B of the Cyber and Data Protection Act for cyberbullying and harassment.

According to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), Manguda posted a picture of a cockroach bearing the head of the President in May.

He is yet to appear in court.

If found guilty, Manguda faces up to 10 years in jail, a fine or both.

Section 164B of the Act says anyone who posts a message, picture or material with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, threaten, bully or cause substantial emotional distress, or to degrade, humiliate or demean any other person shall be guilty of an offence.

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