CCC MP Job Sikhala Engages US-based Law Firm To Fight His Detention

CCC MP Job Sikhala Engages US-based Law Firm To Fight His Detention
CCC MP Job Sikhala Engages US-based Law Firm To Fight His Detention

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Member of Parliament for Zengeza West, Job Sikhala, has engaged a leading international law firm, Amsterdam & Partners LLP, based in Washington DC and London, to fight his detention for allegedly inciting unrest.

Sikhala, who has to date been arrested about 70 times, without a single conviction, was arrested in the aftermath of the recent murder of CCC activist Moreblessing Ali by Zanu PF-linked Pius Mukandi alias Jamba. He was arrested with 12 other opposition activists, including another MP Godfrey Sithole.

A letter by the law firm’s managing partner Andrew J. Durkovich, who specialises in cross-border or multi-jurisdictional disputes, including international litigation and arbitration, as well as political advocacy, confirms Sikhala will now be represented without charge by top attorneys.

Sikhala, who is also a lawyer, is the attorney for the Ali family which has refused to bury their daughter until the opposition MP and senior leader is released.

The Ali family is now reportedly living in hiding and fear after being threatened by suspected state security agents and ZANU PF militants amid clashes with the CCC.

Sikhala and others have been denied bail.

He remains detained at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.

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