GMAZ Deployed Enough Food Stocks To Meet Festive Season Demand – Acting GM

GMAZ Deployed Enough Food Stocks To Meet Festive Season Demand – Acting GM
GMAZ Deployed Enough Food Stocks To Meet Festive Season Demand – Acting GM

Africa-PressZimbabwe. By Staff Reporter – THE Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) has assured local consumers of enough stocks of its products during the current festive period.

In a statement Friday, GMAZ Acting General Manager Garikai Chaunza said products manufactured by companies under the cereal producers’ group were readily available on the market.

“The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) would like to inform the public that all our products which include mealie meal, rice, flour and salt are in stock throughout the country during this festive season.

“We want to thank the government through the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) for affording us the opportunity to access foreign currency at the weekly Foreign Exchange Auction market, which we are using to import raw materials,” said Chaunza.

Zimbabwe has often seen basic products disappear from supermarket shelves only to resurface on the black market at exorbitant prices.

Sometime this year, GMAZ coordinated a national distribution of subsidised mealie meal to retailers after the staple became scarce on the formal market in the country.

In its Friday statement, the millers group also assured Zimbabwean consumers of more grain imports into the country to augment national stocks.

“We are also in the process of importing 200 000 metric tonnes of maize to compliment government grain stocks and ensure food security,” said Chaunza.


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