Govt Shuts Chinhoyi High As Coronavirus Cases Spike

Govt Shuts Chinhoyi High As Coronavirus Cases Spike
Govt Shuts Chinhoyi High As Coronavirus Cases Spike

Africa-PressZimbabwe. The government has with immediate effect closed Chinhoyi High School to non-examination day scholars after coronavirus cases have spiked at the school.

Though the school has been closed to outside learners, examination candidates will be allowed to enter the school’s premises.

Mashonaland West acting provincial medical director Gift Masoja confirmed the latest development, saying more nurses and environmental health officials will be stationed at the school to deal with the crisis. He said:

We resolved to cut the school from day scholars although examination candidates will be allowed. This however means, we will have to intensify our response.

More nurses and environmental health officials will be stationed at the school to effect response and monitoring.

This comes after more than 57 out of the 74 students tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus. The cases came after a 17-year-old female student had earlier tested positive for the virus.

The 17-year-old pupil was taken to Mzari Clinic for isolation where seven Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) students are isolated while the 57 pupils who are asymptotic are under quarantine at the school.


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