Guvamatanga Snubs Parliament, Again

Guvamatanga Snubs Parliament, Again
Guvamatanga Snubs Parliament, Again

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Finance and Economic Development ministry secretary George Guvamatanga on Monday failed again to appear before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

PAC had requested Guvamatanga to explain the government’s US$9.6 billion over-expenditure incurred between 2015 and 2018.

The Finance ministry acting accountant general Edwin Zvandasara appeared before PAC on 14 August but failed to answer questions raised in Parliament.

On Monday, Guvamatanga failed again to appear before the committee, saying he needed more time to prepare responses.

This prompted MPs in PAC to request that Guvamatanga be issued with a summons to appear before them or face a charge of contempt of Parliament.

on 25 July, Guvamatanga failed again to appear before PAC to explain the government’s over-expenditure. Said Kuwadzana East MP Chalton Hwende (CCC):

His last excuse was a fake one and he is not taking us seriously. Last time (July), he lied that he had been in contact with someone with COVID-19, but two days later, we saw him at a public function.

In 2019, the government brought before Parliament a Financial Adjustment Bill, which sought condonation for unapproved expenditure between 2015 and 2018, totalling US$9.6 billion.

The Bill was introduced in the National Assembly, but it never progressed to the Second Reading Stage.

It then lapsed in October 2020 when the 2019-20 parliamentary sessions ended.

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